27 April 2011

The Silent E in Space Game

The majority of my students are struggling readers.  For the most part, their main difficulties are decoding and phonics.  Several of my students were having a hard time reading CVCe words with the silent E on the end.  Vowel sounds that are changed due to adding an 'e' at the end are really tricky for my students, such as the words rat and rate or not and note.

Oh my poor students get so tripped on these words and whether they should use the short vowel sound or the long vowel sound.  To help them get more practice with these types of words and reinforce the CVCe rule, I made The Silent E in Space game.  It contains all sorts of words like cap and cape, so students have to really look at the word and concentrate.

Not to mention......who doesn't love a good game to play?  Click on the picture below to purchase your own copy of The Silent E in Space.


  1. Love the game and love your blog!! I teach special education too :) Okay, so about Lettering Delights. My understanding is that you can create things with their fonts and graphics and share them with others {I've shared several on my blog and on their FB page and have not gotten any notification of breaking any rules!} So sharing them for free on your blog is totally cool! BUT, you can't sell anything using their products unless you purchase their commercial fonts {which are 12.95, so you'd have to sell A LOT in order to even make a profit}. I just use their fonts and graphics to make things for my class and to share on my blog. You can always get free fonts if you want to sell things :) Check out my post about my favorite font sites but it looks like you already know a lot of them!

    Fonts I Love

  2. Yeah! Another Special Education teacher out there! There seems to be so few us. Have you been to http://differentiationstation.blogspot.com/ yet? That's the only other special education blog that I've found so far. I hope that more of us will join the blogging world.

    Thanks for the font clarification. I'm just happy that I'm able to share the stuff I make with those fonts. I bought a few that I really liked today. I'll definitely check out your post. I love free things!

  3. Another special education teacher popping in. :) I am a 4th and 5th grade resource teacher. Love my job!!

    I'm so glad to find you. Thank you for sharing The Silent e in Space. Aren't you continually amazed that you can teach this concept over and over but it remains a challenge? I think my kids will love your game!

  4. YAY! Another SPED teacher! I am getting my masters right now in SPED, and I can't wait for my own classroom again.

    Thank you for sharing your AWESOME resources with us!

  5. I'm loving all the special ed teachers stopping by! Sometimes it seems like there's not many of us out here.

  6. I love this game! Thanks for sharing, your fabulous.

    Ms. M
    Ms.M's Blog
    A Teacher's Plan

  7. Thanke youe fore the silente E game. hee, hee!

  8. How cute! Thank you for sharing!

  9. I love your blog! I have downloaded many wonderful games for my students' little buddy class... which is a Special Education 1st-3rd grade class. Many fun times have shared using your materials! Thanks!
