13 August 2011

Long I CVCe Unit

I've finished all the games/activities for the 2nd (or maybe 3rd) word study unit, which is all about Long I CVCe words.

It's been a little time consuming to make all these materials, so I'm starting to get a little concerned about being able to have everything done this year.  I have a feeling I'm going to be making the games every week right before I teach the unit!  Ahhh!!!  That's going to be stressful!

The first game in the unit is Diving for Long I.  This game concentrates on CVCe words only.
The next game is Hive Memory.  It's a word to picture memory game focusing on CVCe words.  There is a recording page at the end to help reinforce the skills and give some accountability.
Hike for Long I (there's a theme here with the names of these games) includes short I and long I CVCe words.  A recording sheet is also found at the end.

Finally, there's a Long I CVCe word building activity.


  1. Wow, thanks for posting this, it's great! It must be very time consuming so thanks for sharing them. I've looked at your Grade 3 Word Study planning so if I create any games that fit in I'll be sure to pass them your way to hopefully save you some time!

    Down Under Teacher

  2. I love it. I hope I can adapt it to 3rd. Also, what is that font you use for most of it?

  3. Thank you so much for sharing! It's printing out as I type this. Looks great!

    Tales of a Teacherista

  4. Kylie - Thank you! That would be much appreciated. My youngest daughter is also named Kylie so I LOVE the name!

    Ginger Snaps - Maybe the games could be useful for your low students or students who receive special education services? I've been making them for my 3rd grade students, but they are below grade level since they're special education. The font I use mostly is Smiley Monster. You can find it at kevinandamanda.com.

  5. WoW! I kept scrolling down for the link to purchase the item! I can't thank you enough for being so generous with your creativity.

    Love it!!!


  6. This is AWESOME!! As a beginning teacher I cannot thank you enough for sharing this for FREE :) Free is my favorite right now!! You must have put a ton of work into this.

  7. Thank you so much Angelia! I have been looking everywhere for that font!

  8. WOW! Thank you so very much for sharing for FREE!!! This is VERY appreciated and my firsties thank you too!
    Counting with Coffee

  9. Angelica,thank you so much for posting this awesome freebie. I know how long it take to put together something like that, and then to share it with everyone is just amazing.

  10. Thank you so much! I have been debating about trying to implement Words Their Way or going with the standard Reading Street pattern of the week. I love your word study plan! You posting the games and materials to go with it, is icing on the cake!

  11. Thanks so much for sharing! These are amazing.

  12. Wow, this is so fabulous, it must have taken forever to do! Thank you so much for your generosity of spirit, in sharing your hard work. I cannot wait to use this! Wishing you a lovely day, Angelia.
    Good Morning Mrs Rubie

  13. Awesome unit! Thanks for sharing :)

  14. Thank you very much!

    :) Shelly

  15. This is amazing! Thank you very much! I look forward to using this!

  16. You are wonderful! Thanks so much for sharing such a fantastic freebie! :o)


  17. Thanks a million! I've spend hours today just working on the "long i" activities for the week for just a couple of groups, you just saved me hours of more work.

  18. Is this still available for download? I would love to use these in my classroom!

  19. Thank you! We're going to study long i next week in 1st grade and these will be fun.

  20. This is great!!! Thank you so much!!!

  21. When I click on the game it goes to a site that says it is no longer available. Is there a new link?
