17 September 2011

Treading Water & Long O CVCe Games (freebies)

Does anyone else ever feel like you're just treading water trying to get by?  Our students came back to school on August 22nd, and it has been so busy!!!  I've been so overwhelmed with paperwork, meetings, schedules, students' needs, collaborating, assessing, teaching, etc., etc.  Not to mention that my husband left for a 2-month training the day after school started, so I have been going solo with the 5 kiddos for the last month.  Ahhhh!!!!  That's what I feel like doing anyway!!!

My Daily 5 reading plans haven't really worked out like I had hoped.  I honestly haven't even attempted to build any reading stamina or do much independent reading.  I have several students with autism that have a very, very hard time focusing and paying attention.  They have a hard time focusing during guided reading and direct instruction.  I'm spending a lot of time redirecting and prompting them to stay on task even when we're at the small group table, and I can't imagine them being able to focus enough for independent reading.  I guess I've been afraid that it would be an impossibility for these students.  Does anyone have any advice or suggestions?  Should I try it anyway?  If you have ANY tips for helping keep these students on task or focused, I would greatly appreciate it!

I had mentioned back in the summer that I was afraid I would be making my word study games the weekend before we used them.  Well, guess what?  We're studying the Long O CVCe pattern this week.   Today, I made the games!  This not looking like a good start.  Will I be spending every Saturday making games this year?  I know I won't have to do that next year, because the games will be made, BUT it's a lot of work this year.  I need to find some way to get ahead.

Now onto the fun part that I know you're waiting on.......the free games!!!  There are 3 this week.  So far this year, my students favorite game was the Long A Go Bake! game.  What game have your students enjoyed the most?

Click on the picture to get your own FREE copy!

Roping Up Long O Game
Long O CVCe Game with Recording Sheet

Go Home Farmer Stone!
Short O and Long O CVCe Board Game

Give a Dog a Long O Bone
Word to Picture Match with 2 Recording Sheets

Original clip art for Give a Dog a Long O Bone can be found at Scrappin' Doodles.  Original clip art for Rope Up Long O and Go Home Farmer Stone can be found at Digi Scrap Kits.


  1. Hey I am totally feeling overwhelmed with all the district testing and beginning of the school year. I use the Teacher/Student game along with S.T.A.R. behavior as my main behavior plan during my language art's time with my Sp. Ed. class. I have a 4 students that are on the autism spectrum, and I find that they definitely need some definite transition time at the beg. of the school year. The teacher/student game is simply a t chart that I have for teachers on one side and student on the other. We set a goal of what we are working for, such as extra computer time, free time for playing math games, homework pass, etc. The goal is for the students to get to 10 points before I do. The behaviors during our D.I. groups and Lang. Arts in general are the S.T.A.R. behaviors. S-Sit tall, T-Talk on Signal, A-Answer Correctly, R- Respect others learning. The respect others learning covers a multitude of items, that we go over as they come up in the first month. It has really helped me out. My rule is that if I catch 3 non-star behaviors, I get a point. I don't point them out specifically on individuals but address the group. I say something like, "I see students not following star behavior, I get a point." If I really feel a student needs a specific prompt. I will remind the group that I am looking for more students to be sitting tall , or talk on signal. That way I am not engaging in a conversation with a specific student. It also seems to promote the team aspect of encouraging and helping each other. Hope that gives you an idea that might work.

  2. Wow, thank you so much for the games - these are great! I am your newest follower!

    Jennifer @ Herding Kats In Kindergarten

  3. I LOVE THESE!!! We just did long o last week! I wish I had these then! Next year, for sure!

  4. These look so cute plus educational! bonus!

    You can totally make D5 work- I have looked at the Sister's website with all of their videos- so check there- but basically don't stop for those kiddos make up their own goals during that time, plus don't stop if those kids are off task :)


  5. I am having similar difficulties with some of my kiddos that really struggle to work independently. I'm sure you already know these strategies but here's a few ideas:
    *elapsed timer (you pull down the allotted time such as 5 minutes and the "red" time slowly decreases until time is up)--this has helped one of my students in the past
    *picture schedule

    It will get better! These are always the toughest weeks!!

  6. Hey there! My name is Lesley, and I'm brand new to this teacher blogging business. I recently saw your site, and have to say I was thrilled to find out there were other resource room/ sped teachers out there in cyber space who wanted to try the things I do! I recently picked up the Daily Five book, and am working my way through it right now. I also do pull out groups, and am excited to give some of the ideas a shot. I'd love to share ideas with you...as I have them. If you'd like to email me, I'm LDAHLK@GMAIL.COM

    If I have any ideas, I'll share them. Hopefully I'll have a blog soon. Until then...


  7. Hi
    you have been awarded with a Versatile Blog Award.
    Pick it here!

  8. I also use the STAR rules. I just had a training last Monday on the Corrective Reading and Reading Mastery. My students had talked about the STAR rules from their teacher last year but I didn't know where to find them. Their behavior recently has gotten a little bit "annoying". So on Tuesday when the kids were back at school I had the rules posted. S for Sit in learning position, T for Track with fingers or eyes, A for Answer together on signal, R for Respect others and yourself. These are the rules from the training and they definitely knew them and responded well. I said sit up in learning position and they sat straight up. When you say "T" their fingers hit the book. When you use the clapping or hand out/down for your signal the kids really respond. And when you do the points system they catch on real quick. When you say, "I really like how you guys are all sitting up nice and ready to go" some of the kids will even cheer the others on. I was having problems with a specific student and he is starting to respond because they want to earn their reward. It's working great!

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