28 April 2012

Sight Word Assessment (freebie)

FYI: The Aloha! Sight Word Game winner will be posted and announced after I get done with my day of soccer games and beach!

Lately, I've been seeing some Facebook posts from different blogs that are asking how do you manage sight word assessment and how many sight words Kindergarten students are expected to know for your school.  So I figured I would show you guys how I assess sight words and the list of words our district uses for Kindergarten.

Our district has adopted the Imagine It! reading curriculum.  The curriculum dictates that Kindergarten students should know 70 sight words by the end of the year.  That seems like a high number to me, but the gen ed Kindergarten teachers tell me that it's really not that hard for most students to learn them.  Since I have triplets in Kindergarten, I have to say that all 3 of them have learned the words pretty easily.  I really worked with them at the beginning of the year but not so much the 2nd half of the year.  Now my special ed students that I teach have a much more difficult time learning and RETAINING these 70 words.

All of the Kindergarten sight word games I make {if you want to check some out click here or here} contain these 70 words since that's what my students are expected to know.  I am planning on making some 1st grade games using the 1st grade list this summer.  I don't know if anyone would be interested in those.

Ok, on to how I manage my assessment.  My set-up looks like this:

I made a powerpoint with a black background and white letters.  I have the students read the word as I hit the enter key to go from slide to slide.  Since I can't take any video or pictures of my students due to confidentiality concerns, I had my youngest daughter stand in for the video!  She LOVES school and learning and anything teacherish so she was happy to oblige.  I don't know how well you can hear her responses but she read all the words!  

The things I like about this set-up is that I can position my paper behind the laptop, so the students can't see whether I mark their answers as right or wrong.  I try to not give feedback other than some occasional encouragement during the assessment, especially if they're getting them wrong.  I don't want them to get discouraged.  I also like how I'm not worried about finding flash cards or having the cards out of order than the list on the paper.  Since the students are only seeing one word at a time on the screen, they don't get overwhelmed with a big long list.

I don't know if anyone else would be interested in the powerpoint or my form that I use but I thought I would include it.

Click on this picture to download the powerpoint.  Now, you will need the ABCPrint font, but it can be downloaded here for free.  I liked this font, because the letters are all properly formed.  

Here's the form I use to monitor their progress.  I got the form from Mrs. Perkins' Dolch Words site {here} and made some adjustments for how I liked it.  Click on the picture below to download your copy.

So there you have it.  It's how I do sight word assessment in my class.  Do you have a good system?  I'd love to hear about it!  


  1. I like this idea of using powerpoint. We were blessed enough this year to be able to purchase the ESGI software. This has made testing sight words soooo much easier. However, if we are not able to purchase the software next year I will definitely be looking into making powerpoints like yours. I think this is a great idea.

  2. Love it- I am downloading it and trying it. I may need to adapt it for our words, but you have given me the foundation to start with. THANKS

    Time 4 Kindergarten
    Time 4 Organization

  3. I love the form you made, but couldn't ind it on Mrs, Perkin's sight. Could you possibly send it to me in word form. So I could add/change it to fit our words. I love how the form is formatted.
    Time 4 Kindergarten
    Time 4 Organization

  4. We have our HFW in a grid in our student's Data notebooks. They read them, and I check them off if they read them right. At the end of the assessment, the students can color the boxes of the words they got right. They can see immediately what other words they need to work on.

    For my struggling readers, I have our HFWs on cards and rings in our fluency station and throughout other stations. I just started this year using them on a powerpoint presentation. I've gone through them with the students having them repeat the words after me (usually the first couple of times). I'll then have a student who is struggling sit with a student who knows the words and practice them. I've broken them down by quarter and have one that has all of them. My most struggling reader has moved from about 30% of her words to 66% in just about a month! I honestly don't know why I hadn't thought of it before.

    I love the way you assess your students and may consider doing that next year, since I have the slides already made.

  5. Love this! It won't overwhelm my kiddos and I love the large print too!

  6. Thank you so much for sharing this! I'm going to def. use it for my end of the year assessment. Our kindergartners are only responsible for 25 words, which I think is perfect. (70 sounds high to me, too!) Thanks again for sharing!
    Peace, Love & Learning

  7. Thank you! I love the idea of using a powerpoint for the words. I think a lot of my kids that have tracking problems will be able to do this a lot easier!

  8. Thank you!!! This is so great :-) I like the black background and the white words.

  9. I love the Powerpoint idea! I may have to try it in the last couple weeks. We have 136 words for our kindergarten. It is a lot of words, but they are able to get them.


  10. I LOOOOVE this. My students that are visually impaired will definitely benefit from the white on black and large print of the powerpoint. I agree with your choice of font, I use it for everything now. Much easier to see. Is it possible for you to e-mail me the form you created in Word doc so I can add the additional words our 1st graders need? Thank you!!

  11. Thank you for sharing! I will use this with my first graders.

  12. This comment has been removed by the author.

  13. Thank you so much! I love this idea and I made a version of it to fit our sight word assessment in first grade. So helpful!
    Curious Firsties

  14. I've used a powerpoint similar to this to practice our HFWs, but never thought to use it to assess. Thanks so much for sharing!

  15. Just saw this on pinterest! Great idea!

  16. Only one word is needed for this ....... BRILLIANT!!!!! Thank you for sharing this. I am totally using this technique with my 2nd graders this year :)
    Terri's Teaching Treasures

  17. Could you please email me the powerpoint? I cannot download it from your page. Thank you!

  18. Could you please email me the PowerPoint? I cannot download it from your page. This would be so helpful to use with my kiddos. Thanks so much! :) My email is greenrm@lemoyne.edu

  19. You make so many great points here that I read your article a couple of times. Your views are in accordance with my own for the most part. This is great content for your readers. GRC

  20. The post is written in very a good manner and it contains many useful information for me. assessment centre platform

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