08 July 2012

Changing Borders to Frames: Tricks of the Trade #2

If you guys are anything like me, you're always on the lookout for cute frames to make your teaching products more attractive and appealing.  However, I had made the mistake of buying several products that I thought were frames but found out they were borders after the purchase.  This latest addition of Tricks of the Trade #2 is going to show you how to change some of your borders to frames.

If you don't know the difference, a frame typically has a white background in the middle that makes it easier to add text and pictures on.  A border has a transparent middle so that your text and pictures can still be seen.  Sometimes I want just a border, but most often I like to use frames.  

Here's an example of a border I bought and wanted to use but it didn't work right for this file.  You'll see the red arrow is pointing to a cute border but my text and pictures don't look right on the blue dotted background. 

If you click on this tutorial, I'll show you how I changed the border and made it into a frame.

Once I got done with the tutorial, my cover page now looks like this.  Now my text is easier to read and it looks more appealing.  And best of all, I don't feel like I wasted my money buying a border when I really wanted a frame!

Kinder-Craze has a great tutorial on how to add a favicon on your blog.  I did mine yesterday.  I believe I have it working (even though I can't see it myself).  Can anybody see if I have a brown puzzle piece on an aqua background as my favicon?  If you want to add a favicon to your blog, check out the tutorial by click on her button.

I'm kinda enjoying myself making these tutorials.  I have a few in mind that I want to make during the next few weeks.  Does anybody have any requests of things you might like to see?  I hope you're all enjoying your summer and not sweltering too much in this heat!


  1. Can you post how to make a tutorial! Lol, I know you want me to show how I make backgrounds, but I don't know how to make a video;)

    Surfin' Through Second

    1. I'd love to show you! Do you have a Mac or a PC? I have a Mac and the only thing is I'm not sure if it's the same on a PC. And I definitely would love to know how to make the backgrounds! I love the red ones you posted.....I'm trying to think of something patriotic I can make with them!

    2. I would love to see how to make backgrounds too! I loved this tutorial, Thanks So much!

  2. I love this tutorial! This is great! I may have to steal this tutorial and post it on Technology Tailgate! Would that be acceptable??

  3. Angelia,
    Great tutorial! I was wondering how to do this, and I had never seen the website you used.


  4. Angelia-
    What an awesome tutorial! Thank you so much for doing that! I didn't even know pixlr was out there! I'm already in love! I've done a lot of work on Photoshop, but I can't afford to buy it for my Mac! A lot of the tools are the same! Thanks again!

    ~Lisa from Tales of an Education Major

    1. I can't really bring myself to shell out the money for Photoshop either. Pixlr has been great for me!

  5. Thank you for the great tutorial AND for the shout-out!
    I can still see your favicon :)

    There’s a Giveaway at Kinder-Craze

    1. YAY!!! So glad it's there. I'm going to have to borrow someone else's computer just so I can see it!

  6. Wonderful!!! I have been wanting to make my own printables, but I was so mad tha tI couldn;t figure it out on my Mac, but you solved that!!! Where do you get your cute pics of people?
    I'm a new follower thank you again!!

    1. I get a lot of clip art from Scrappin Doodles at http://www.scrappindoodles.com/. She does fabulous work!


  7. Great tutorial. I have oftentimes found myself wanting my frames to be borders. This is definitely handy :) Thanks for sharing. I can see your favicon exactly as you described it :)

    My (Not So) Elementary Life

  8. This is fabulous. I wish I had color picket but I'm on a dell. One day I'm going to invest in a MAC. Thanks for sharing your fabulous tips.

  9. I am your newest follower!! Thanks for the tutorials. I am new to this and want to start creating stuff. This is a big help!!! Come check out my blog!

    Happy Sunday!

  10. This is a fantastic tutorial!!! I've been creating things & I'm always looking for tips on how to make it better. Thank you so much!! :)
    Learning Is Something to Treasure

  11. This is brilliant! Thank you so much for sharing! I have yet to create any items, but I'm feeling like this might be the week :)

    EduKate and Inspire

  12. Awesome! Thanks for taking the time to share with us.
    Mrs. Miner's Monkey Business

  13. Thank you for this tutorial! I'm going to practice what I've learned today!

  14. I see your puzzle piece! :) AND this is AWESOME!! Thanks for sharing!! :)

    First Grade and Fabulous

  15. I noticed that many people say "Grab my button" I haven't grabbed their buttons, don't know IF I'm supposed to grab their buttons, or WHY I would grab someone's button, or HOW to put it somewhere, and WHERE to put it. . . maybe that's a tutorial you could show me!

    And if you'd like to see a tutorial on how to get rid of the word verification thingie when someone posts to your blog, you can look at the labels on my blog and see a tutorial there for removing that. They do get annoying!

    Second In Line

  16. This is GREAT! Thanks for sharing your knowledge!!


  17. How cool is this to know!!! ��Thank you so much for sharing!

  18. I can't see or find the tutorial. Is it because I'm using Safari?

    1. Stacey, you should be able to click on the youtube video. It's in between the two snapshot pictures of the Rain, Rain Go Away pictures.


  19. Awesome tutorial! Thanks for sharing!

  20. Thank you for sharing! I am in the process of creating and planning to open my own special education blog and I continually find yours filled with many useful tips and ideas.

  21. Awesome tutorial! Thank you for sharing!

    Apples and Papers

  22. This is a fabulous tutorial! I just used it to make a set of Daily 5 posters that are much cuter now. Thanks so much!
    First Grade Found Me

  23. Angelia ... What a great post!! I have just started making some borders and frames for my TpT store, and here I was thinking that everyone WANTED the border. I am glad to know that oftentimes people want a "white middle." I think that I will go back and create both options. Then, I won't have any disappointed purchasers. Thanks again ~ Sonya

    P.S - If you're anything like me, you love a few border freebies ... I have a free sampler at my TpT store. Think that I will go add some white middles NOW :)


  24. Hi! I am a new follower. GREAT BLOG! I am new at blogging. Check out my blog at www.seaoflearning.blogspot.com

  25. This is a great tutorial. I'd love it if you would link it, or a post of your choosing, to my Tips for Newbies Linky.

    Surfing to Success

  26. Awesome tutorial! Thank you for sharing :)

  27. Ginger snaps, that was brilliant!!!

  28. This was a great tutorial. It was easy to follow and understand. Thank you!!


  29. So easy!! Thank you for sharing! I pinned and now I am off to update the pack I've been working on!
    Kickin' It With Class

  30. Thank you so much for this awesome tutorial! I am brand new to making things on TPT and this is exactly what I needed to know!!

  31. If you don't know the difference, a frame typically has a white background in the middle that makes it easier to add text and pictures on. cornici

  32. Thanks your tips. It's so helpful
