02 July 2012

July Currently & a Giveaway

I'm linking up with Oh' Boy 4th Grade for July's Currently. 

I don't know why I've never linked up before.  I love reading these every month!  So here's mine:

It's 11:30 here, and I really should be getting to sleep.  Why in the world am I still awake?  Those kiddos of mine are going to be knocking on my door bright and early in the morning.  Right now, I'm feeling like my to-do list is very long.  We have a ton of stuff scheduled for this month, which means a lot of work for me.  We're taking the triplets to their very first Disney World trip......I may be more excited than they are!  I also need to make time to go visit my family in GA before summer is over.  Plus, there's a bunch of events scheduled with friends this month.  It's a lot going on!

My favorite read aloud is SkippyJon Jones by Judy Schachner.  I LOVE her books.  I will admit they can be difficult to read at first, especially with the Spanish words.  But after a few times, you really get the hang of it.  Her books are adorable!

The Next Step in Guided Reading by Jan Richardson has been my go-to book for guided reading.  I really need to reread parts of it this summer and make a good, solid plan for next year's reading groups.

Surfin' Through Second is having an awesome giveaway with some super great prizes.  You don't want to miss out on this opportunity!  Click on the picture below to check out all the cool stuff you can win.  I've donated my Aloha Sight Word game, and there's tons of other really great stuff!

I hope everyone is having a great summer!


  1. LOL...LOVE that I'm not the only one awake doing some blog stalking when I SHOULD be sleeping. My kiddos will have me up BY 6am for sure!

    We both need to get some sleep Angelia!
    The Hands-On Teacher in First!

  2. Wow, triplets and Disney! That will be a ton of tiring fun!! It's 12:45am here...yikes! Summer nights just keep getting later and later. :)

    We're following Farley's Rule of 3, so you're our first stop. We're already following your blog, so it was great to come back for another visit. :)

    Christy & Tammy

  3. I never sleep anymore either! Sadly, I've memorized the late-night tv lineup! Thanks for the book suggestion for guided reading! I'm always looking for new resources! Have fun at Disney!


  4. Sounds like a blast--heading to Disney with your triplets!! It's funny you mentioned Jan Richardson's book, she has done a ton of in-services for our district over the past few years (just as sweet in person as the tone of her book--and tons of great ideas too!).
    ENJOY your trip!
    Karen :o)
    Mrs. Stamp's Kindergarten

  5. Ohhh! Disney, we've had two great trips to Disney and would love to return. We had friends who had went often and helped us to plan. We stayed onsite and took advantage of the meal plan so we visited all of the resort restaurants like the Animal Kingdom Lodge and the one at the Polynesian, so much fun. I read Jan Richardson's book this year as part of our PLC and loved it. I'm rereading now too, along with Daily 5.

    Donna W.

  6. Thanks for the tips Jessica. I think I fixed it but I'm not sure!


  7. Happy July! We found you through Currently! Come visit us! http://primarypossibilities.blogspot.com
    Your newest follower, Stephanie
