31 March 2013

April Currently

Yay!  Oh Boy 4th Grade's monthly Currently is up.  

This is perfect, because I so need a distraction from lesson planning and thinking about going back to work tomorrow.  :(

So I just spent the last 2 weeks on my BEST spring break ever.  I seriously, seriously do not want to go  back to school tomorrow.  I've got 35 teaching days left of this year.  This year has been SUPER hard for me.  I guess it was the moving, leaving mid-year, getting a new job mid-year, trying to figure out the new school, etc., etc.  It's just been really tough.  I'm trying to remain positive and just try to get through the end.

I don't know where or what I will be teaching next year, but I feel hopeful that better things are to come.  I took this spring break to spend time with my family, enjoy this beautiful island, and work on finding balance.  That's something I really need to try harder on in my everyday life.  

While I go forward with the rest of this school year, I'm going to try and focus on the positive things around me.  When all else fails, I'll try to focus on this!  What other better place to spend my time and recharge?  We sure were lucky to spend our Easter on this amazing beach.


  1. WOW, two weeks for Spring Break! nice! I can't even imagine switching schools mid year. I agree in finding balance! It's sooo difficult to find balance between home and work.
    So happy to hear you had a fabulous break!
    Good luck for next year...I look forward to following your adventures.

  2. Balance has to be the magic word. It is hard to do it all and do it well when you do not set your priorities straight.
    35 days left? That is a nice number :)
    My Second Sense

  3. Wow! That beach looks wonderful; absolutely beautiful. Focusing on the positive is such a learning skilled - great advice! :) Have a wonderful week back.

    The Brown-Bag Teacher

  4. It's only 35 days!! I better get my bootie in gear! I am so glad you enjoyed your break! I hope you find where you belong in a school you love! We need to get together soon for some beach time:)

    Surfin' Through Second

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