05 April 2013

Five for Friday - April 5th

Another week down means it's time to link up with Doodle Bugs Teaching for my favorite linky party!

Another week down means that I only have 30 teaching days left this year.  Not that I'm counting on anything.  ;)

Last Sunday, we spent Easter at my favorite place.....the beach!  It was a little untraditional, but we had a great day.  We brought our eggs to the beach and did an egg hunt there.  Old coconut shells make great places to hide eggs. :D

Did anyone else feel like pulling their hair out this week?  I've had pencils thrown at my head, an aide that can't come to work on time or even at all (what's up with that?), students rolling around on the floor for 40 minutes in a temper tantrum, and sat through too many hours of meetings. :(

So the only solution some evenings was to take this giant dog to her favorite place and let her chase a ball.  She's a maniac and loves playing fetch.  If you don't bring her ball, she'll find a nut and actually fetch a nut.  :/

Does anyone else play Candy Crush?  If you don't play it, don't start!  It will suck you in so quick and then you'll want to pull your hair out even more. But it is fun! :P

Meanwhile back at school, we actually did work on some skills this week.  We've been working on segmenting sounds in words.  Boy is this a challenging skill!  The Elkonin boxes with chips are definitely helping.  I'm hoping to make some progress next week with this skill and move onto word families the following week.  Wish me luck!

I hope everyone has a good weekend!


  1. I hope you have a great weekend especially after the long week you had! I am worried for going back to work for a crazy week!
    Fun in ECSE

    1. I'm hoping my kids are more calm this upcoming week. A break from routine can definitely bring some setbacks! Good luck!


  2. I so love living vicariously through you! :)

    Beg, Borrow, Steal

    1. I'm glad you're enjoying the Hawaii pictures. I keep telling myself I need to take pictures of my students working instead of so many beach pictures. LOL.


  3. Angelia! Thanks for commenting on my blog =) So glad I found you too! I love that yall did Easter eggs at the beach! So fun! Between you and me I have my figures crossed that we will be stationed at Hawaii in the near future! haha a girl can dream :) Hope you have an awesome weekend!

    The Army Wife Teacher

    1. If you do get orders to Hawaii, make sure you contact me. The interview process is MUCH different than my experiences back on the mainland. I can give you some helpful hints. Actually, the whole school system is much different here!


  4. What an awesome idea to have Easter at the beach! It looks like everyone had a blast. I can't believe some of the things you had to deal with this week-Thank goodness for Saturdays and Sundays! Have a great weekend!
    Bright Concepts 4 Teachers

  5. I just had a conversation with another teacher about Candy Crush. His quote "it is completely mindless, but I can't stop playing it".

    Digital: Divide & Conquer

    1. So mindless but I have gotten sucked in!


  6. We spent Easter at the beach too, but no hunting for us. The girls just weren't into it. I am so sorry about your situation, it sounds terrible :( I will count the days down with you :) Enjoy your weekend!

    Surfin' Through Second

    1. I don't know how many more years we'll have left. It didn't really feel like Easter this year, but I went through the motions anyway. I didn't even make an Easter dinner this year and that's the first time ever. Hope your weekend was great!


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