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Inclusion in Your School

Today we're talking all about 
over at 

Come join in on the discussion {here}!  I'd love to hear how inclusion works in your school.


  1. Hi Angelia! Great topic! I just wanted to let you know that you also have a few responses on TBA's FB page too. :)

  2. Angelia,

    At our school we have 2.5 Resource teachers 2 self-contained teachers, an SLP and an OT. The self-contained teachers do K-1 and 2-5 split. Then the resource teachers have a K-2 and a 3-5 split. It is difficult to do all inclusion, but we are fortunate to have 2 resource TAs that assist with inclusion in the classroom by providing support to those students on the caseload.

  3. Hi Angelia,
    At our school, there are 3 special ed teachers. I teach students with moderate to severe disabilities and I am the only self-contained or resource room at this time. The other two teachers and 3 instructional assistants collaborate in the regular classroom. In each grade level we have one teacher who has all of the students with IEPs that year. The teacher rotates from year to year so no one always has the neediest class. We definitely could not do inclusion without instructional assistants...they are a HUGE help. Some kids do receive small group intervention in the afternoon (usually during science or social studies) which is in a resource setting. It is a HUGE juggling act to make it all work. Our DoSE got all of us subs one day just so we could plan next year's schedule!
    -Claire @

