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Go Bake! ~ Making games is more fun than word lists!

Well, I didn't get any farther on my word lists for my 3rd Grade Word Study Units because it's pretty boring!!  Instead, I decided to do something a little more fun and made a new game that should finish off my first unit that focuses on words with short A and Long A CVCe words.  Between the Long A Skate game, Long A Birthday word to picture match {found here}, and this new Go Bake! game, I think I'll have enough activities to keep the kiddos busy and give them plenty of practice.  

Now the big question I make games for Unit 2 or go back to finishing the last 13 word lists??

Click on the picture to get your own copy!

Graphics from Scrappin Doodles.


  1. I saw this posted on TBA...I love this!! I am now a follower!!

    Mrs. Davis

  2. Thank you so much!! My daughter is going to LOVE this game! I am printing it to play tomorrow:)

  3. I say, make games for Unit 2. Your games are great and my students really like them. Thanks so much.

  4. Love it! I am also doing my spelling using Beth's method and I agree word lists are boring! :) I teach 2nd grade and drove myself crazy last year teaching 5 spelling groups different skills. I am going to try to make life easier this year by using Beth's outline! Thanks for posting!

  5. Thanks for sharing! I am trying to develop games to go along with my spelling words, but I honestly lack in creativity. Where do you get your game ideas from and how do you make them? Thanks in advance for your help!

  6. Thank you so much for posting! I appreciate that you are willing to share so much!

  7. Wow, this is the cutest! Thank you so much for being so generous in sharing your work! I am off to print it out and add it to my resources. Wishing you a lovely day.
    Good Morning Mrs Rubie

